Flume Ride

flume ride splashing

Flume Ride

The Flume Ride is a landmark attraction at parks all over the world. Up to four adult riders are accommodated in log themed boats as they navigate both ground level and elevated winding troughs before experiencing a refreshing drop down the chute into the water below. The fiberglass logs are guided by wheels located on the lower and the lateral sides of the same. Motorized pumps move the water while the logs enter into the station and move up the lift hill by a conveyor belt system. Keep your guests cool and coming back for more!

Technical Details:

Dimensions:45 x 18 x H 12 mt
Drops:2: 6,5mt / 12mt
Circuit Length:200 mt
Running Time:2,5-3 min
Capacity:8 boats, 4-5 passengers each
Motive Power:115 kW 380/220V 3Ph
Lighting Power:3 kW 220V
Weight:55 tons